Goa is part of India, and the citizens want the recognition of Indian players before a player like Ronaldo. Part of their dismay is because Portugal, Ronaldo’s native country, had colony rule over Goa just 60 years ago. There is no question that Ronaldo is a great player, but the statue’s location raises questions.
The decision-makers behind the statue believe the statue will inspire the youth of Goa, but many disagree. The statue does not show Goa’s love for soccer like some had assumed it would.
“For the love of football and at the request of our youth we put up Cristiano Ronaldo’s statue in the park to inspire our youngsters to take football to greater heights. It was an honour to inaugurate the beautification of open space, landscaping, garden with foundation & walkway.”
The 400kg statue is hard to miss, which is its idea. Because the country has a history with Portugal, many people do love the statue. Many citizens have ties to Portugal, making Ronaldo beloved in Goa.
The statue was unveiled just days after the 60th anniversary of Goa’s freedom from Portugal. Timing plays a significant part in why natives are upset.
“Very disappointed to hear of the statue of Ronaldo being erected. Learn to take pride in our own icons like Samir Naik and Bruno Coutinho.”
Manchester United’s star simply has terrible luck when it comes to statues. Ronaldo’s name carries so much weight around the world, but the weight of the sculpture is heavier right now.
The unveiling of this statue was an eye-opener for the leadership of Goa. The area loves soccer, but they want more representation of their own nation. Only time will tell if the love for Ronaldo’s statue will come about or if Goa will always resent it.